
Hidden in My Closet

Skirt: Brandy Melville
Purse: Balenciaga Giant Work Gold
Schuler & Sons (similar)
UO Opaque Tights
Scarf: Louis Vuitton Etole Leopard 
Jacket: Abercrombie & Fitch (purchased 11 years ago) (similar)

While cleaning out my closet I found this denim jacket that I purchased over a decade ago, sometimes I feel like I'm a hoarder because I can't bare to throw anything away! There is a corner of my closet that I keep clothes that I want but I rarely wear. I guess I keep them because there is a memory behind each piece I have and throwing them away would be like throwing away a certain time of my life. I guess the "if you haven't worn that item in the past year, you're not going to wear it" rule doesn't apply in my book and I'm glad it doesn't! 


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